Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The True Meaning of Christmas: Remembering Sandy Hook Elementary

Show Details:
Where: Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 2
Location: 196 Allen Street, New York, NY
When: Sunday, December 30th
Time: 8pm
Cost: $10 Door cover
Why: To remember
Websites: http://www.uwwesternct.org/sandyhook

As always, go to www.hopstop.com for walking/subway directions

Hey Friends, Family, and Fans,
I'm sure you're wondering why I started out this blog post with "Show Details". As you guessed, I am playing a show - but this is more than just any show. I wanted to do something to give back, to honor and remember those families and children from Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT who will never see their lives, and this time of year, the same again.

You see, when I was 14 years old, I too, survived a school shooting. On that cool, clear, November day in 1995 I walked into school just as I always did, aloof, awkward, and as happy as any other Freshman in high school, not knowing that the events that would follow in the next couple hours would forever change my life. To read the full story of the event that unfolded on that day, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richland_High_School_shooting

I was just a kid trying to go to school, to get an education, to better myself and hopefully the world around me. That morning, when I headed to my homeroom class a friend stopped me and reminded me that I had a meeting in the auditorium, so I went back down the hall not knowing that coming down the opposite end of the hall was the student who would come in with a semi-automatic rifle and shoot my homeroom teacher (she survived), the teacher across the hall, and a student/friend of mine in my class. My world was shaken to the core and my sense of safety was simply gone.

And so, I will be donating the $10 cover for my show to the United Way of Western Connecticut to help show solidarity and bring a little comfort to those families and other families across the nation who will be mourning their needless losses instead of celebrating the joys of this season. If you cannot make it to the show, I ask that you please still donate what you can. May you all be safe, happy, and remember those families.

Much love,
Norman Vladimir

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